Thanks for stopping by this page to find out more about me and my journey. The purpose of this website is to help you rebuild your life after traumas and losses so you can maximize your potential.
My trauma or loss may not be a trauma or a loss to you, and yours may not be to me, but that’s okay. Each of us has been on a unique life journey with entirely different circumstances, and traumatic situations, as well as good and exciting events.
Rebuilding our lives can be an ongoing thing. I’ve certainly had my share of the rebuilding process, but through it all, I have learned that God has good plans for my life. There have been many years of learning how to rebuild, as well as coaching and helping others to rebuild their lives. So being a coach and mentor at heart, I want to share what I’ve learned about starting over in hopes that it will help you more quickly achieve your goals on your journey.
A Bit About My Story
I believe that we have all had traumas and losses, but how we respond to those, whether in healthy or unhealthy ways, can depend on our life experiences and our resilience. While there have been traumatic events and losses that had physical and emotional impacts on my life since childhood, I have always been resilient and determined to go forward—no matter what. The “lasting impact“ of the traumas and losses people can experience became blatantly obvious when I first moved to Atlanta a number of years ago. I was sad to see such a large homeless population. Serving in various inner-city ministries, homeless shelters, and food pantries, and working closely with homeless individuals to help them start to rebuild their lives, I listened to their stories of how they became homeless. Unfortunately, their circumstances left them very discouraged, with little desire and determination to keep trying in life. Their experiences left them fighting to maintain their sanity, relationships, lives, and possessions while struggling to move forward. That’s difficult and stressful! Sometimes our experiences can leave us that way too—even if we’re not homeless!
Over the years, I have utilized the skills and knowledge from my diverse background which ranges from healthcare provider, teaching in higher education, and business coaching and consulting, to serving as a life coach, patient advocate, case manager, and trainer as I have assisted many survivors of traumas. Working together we identified their skills, talents, interests, and goals. Then we determined the best tools and solutions to move forward, rebuild their lives, maximize their potential, and move toward lifelong success.
Why I Want to Help Others
You see, if there’s something I’ve walked through and I have answers and solutions that can help you get results quicker, I want to share that so it will help you reach your goals faster. Through my work, I’ve realized how much God has blessed me—despite my own traumas and losses. I love sharing what I’ve learned to better someone’s life! After all, I’ve rebuilt my life over and over, just like you have.
It’s true that individuals of any socioeconomic level, education level, and personality type experience traumas and losses that can be overwhelming. When those traumas and losses happen, they can catch us off guard, make it easy to lose our direction, sometimes even our sense of worth and value in society, and can make us doubt what we have to offer others. But, I believe that no matter what we have been through, every person still has untapped God-given potential waiting to be discovered. That includes you!
How I Want to Help You
My passion has always been to share what I’ve learned in my life to help others and to make sure people have the right foundational tools to move forward. To do that, I want to help you discover your purpose, consider God’s vision for your life, and restore your passion for living. Our journey together on this website will be one of igniting hope, healing, and change to help you do just that so you can maximize your potential.
I want to build a community here that can share and learn together. As you know, when rebuilding, we often need everything from our spiritual and inner selves to our appearance, relationships, and finances.
So I’m here to serve you and I look forward to hearing from you and to interacting with you as we walk on this journey together.
The best is yet to come!