After the Storm…

Hurricane Irma swept across the Caribbean, and up through Florida and Georgia leaving a trail of traumas and losses. It was sad to see so many people’s lives shattered, leaving them to rebuild their lives again. I say again, because life happens and we all find ourselves rebuilding for one reason or another. So many Floridians fled to Georgia hoping to get away from the storm, but it followed them! Isn’t that how life can be sometimes? We finish with one event and then something else unexpected often springs up. Fortunately, the impact of Hurricane Irma in some parts of Georgia was less than it was throughout Florida.

So now what? Where do you start to rebuild shattered lives? It depends on the situation and the needs. Assuming that all loved ones and pets are safe, consider these steps and priorities below when rebuilding.

1. Are you in a physically and emotionally safe, non-threatening environment to begin rebuilding?

2. Will you need any medications refilled?

3. Do you have immediate needs in medical, dental, or mental health care?

4. Will there be a need for child care while you are rebuilding?

5. How is your ability to work impacted by your trauma or loss?

6. What specific kind of help do you need?

7. Do you have a short-term and long-term support system?

8. Who is already helping you?

9. Have you prioritized your plan to start rebuilding?

10. Are all of your basic needs being met? (food, shelter, clothing, transportation, childcare, medical needs, dental needs, mental health needs)?

These are just a few things to get the brain going. Sometimes after major traumas, it’s difficult to think clearly because everyone is in shock and still operating in a survival mode. With God’s help, you can do this!

Best wishes for a speedy rebuilding process,


Thank you for sharing!

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